
(theory FloatingPoint

 :smt-lib-version 2.7
 :smt-lib-release "2024-07-21"
 :written-by "Cesare Tinelli and Martin Brain"
 :date "2014-05-27"
 :last-updated "2024-07-21"
 "Note: history only accounts for content changes, not release changes.
  2024-07-21 Updated to Version 2.7.
  2015-04-25 Updated to Version 2.5.
             Updated reference to tech report.
 "This is a theory of floating point numbers largely based on the IEEE standard 
  754-2008 for floating-point arithmetic (http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/754/) 
  but restricted to the binary case only.
  A major extension over 754-2008 is that the theory has a sort for every 
  possible exponent and significand length.

  Version 1 of the theory was based on proposal by P. Ruemmer and T. Wahl [RW10].
  [RW10] Philipp Ruemmer and Thomas Wahl.
         An SMT-LIB Theory of Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
         Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on
         Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT'10), Edinburgh, UK, July 2010.

  Version 2 was written by C. Tinelli using community feedback.
  Version 3, the current one, was written by C. Tinelli and M. Brain following
  further discussion within the SMT-LIB community, and then relaborated with 
  P. Ruemmer and T. Wahl.
  A more detailed description of this version together with the rationale of
  several models decisions as well as a formal semantics of the theory can be
  found in
  [BTRW15] Martin Brain, Cesare Tinelli, Philipp Ruemmer, and Thomas Wahl.
           An Automatable Formal Semantics for IEEE-754 Floating-Point Arithmetic
           Technical Report, 2015.

  The following additional people provided substantial feedback and directions:
  François Bobot, David Cok, Alberto Griggio, Florian Lapschies, Leonardo de 
  Moura, Gabriele Paganelli, Cody Roux, Christoph Wintersteiger.
; Sorts

 :sorts ((RoundingMode 0) (Real 0))

 ; Bit vector sorts, indexed by vector size
 :sorts_description "All sort symbols of the form
    (_ BitVec m)
  where m is a numeral greater than 0."

 ; Floating point sort, indexed by the length of the exponent and significand
 ; components of the number
 :sorts_description "All nullary sort symbols of the form 
    (_ FloatingPoint eb sb),

  where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1."
 "eb defines the number of bits in the exponent;
  sb defines the number of bits in the significand, *including* the hidden bit.

; Short name for common floating point sorts
:sort ((Float16 0) (Float32 0) (Float64 0) (Float128 0))

 :notes "
  -  Float16 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint  5  11)
  -  Float32 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint  8  24)
  -  Float64 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint 11  53)
  - Float128 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint 15 113)

  These correspond to the IEEE binary16, binary32, binary64 and binary128 formats.

; Rounding modes

 ; Constants for rounding modes, and their abbreviated version
 :funs ((roundNearestTiesToEven RoundingMode) (RNE RoundingMode)
        (roundNearestTiesToAway RoundingMode) (RNA RoundingMode) 
        (roundTowardPositive RoundingMode)    (RTP RoundingMode)
        (roundTowardNegative RoundingMode)    (RTN RoundingMode)
        (roundTowardZero RoundingMode)        (RTZ RoundingMode)

; Value constructors

 ; Bitvector literals
 :funs_description "
    All binaries #bX of sort (_ BitVec m) where m is the number of digits in X.
    All hexadecimals #xX of sort (_ BitVec m) where m is 4 times the number of
    digits in X.    

 ; FP literals as bit string triples, with the leading bit for the significand
 ; not represented (hidden bit)
 :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form

   (fp (_ BitVec 1) (_ BitVec eb) (_ BitVec i) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1 and i = sb - 1."

 ; Plus and minus infinity
 :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form 
   ((_ +oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ((_ -oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

  where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1."
 "Semantically, for each eb and sb, there is exactly one +infinity value and 
  exactly one -infinity value in the set denoted by (_ FloatingPoint eb sb), 
  in agreement with the IEEE 754-2008 standard.
  However, +/-infinity can have two representations in this theory. 
  E.g., +infinity for sort (_ FloatingPoint 2 3) is represented equivalently 
  by (_ +oo 2 3) and (fp #b0 #b11 #b00).
 ; Plus and minus zero
 :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form 
   ((_ +zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ((_ -zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

  where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1."

 "The +zero and -zero symbols are abbreviations for the corresponding fp literals.
  E.g.,   (_ +zero 2 4) abbreviates (fp #b0 #b00 #b000)
          (_ -zero 3 2) abbreviates (fp #b1 #b000 #b0)

 ; Non-numbers
 :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form

   ((_ NaN eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
  where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1."
 "For each eb and sb, there is exactly one NaN in the set denoted by 
  (_ FloatingPoint eb sb), in agreeement with Level 2 of IEEE 754-2008
  (floating-point data). There is no distinction in this theory between 
  a ``quiet'' and a ``signaling'' NaN.
  NaN has several representations, e.g.,(_ NaN eb sb) and any term of 
  the form (fp t #b1..1 s) where s is a binary containing at least a 1
  and t is either #b0 or #b1.

; Operators

 :funs_description "All function symbols with declarations of the form below
   where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1.

   ; absolute value 
   (fp.abs (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ; negation (no rounding needed) 
   (fp.neg (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ; addition
   (fp.add RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)
     (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) 
   ; subtraction
   (fp.sub RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)
     (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) 
   ; multiplication
   (fp.mul RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)
     (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) 
   ; division
   (fp.div RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)
     (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ; fused multiplication and addition; (x * y) + z 
   (fp.fma RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)
     (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ; square root 
   (fp.sqrt RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ; remainder: x - y * n, where n in Z is nearest to x/y 
   (fp.rem (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
   ; rounding to integral
   (fp.roundToIntegral RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   ; minimum and maximum
   (fp.min (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) 
   (fp.max (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   ; comparison operators
   ; Note that all comparisons evaluate to false if either argument is NaN
   (fp.leq (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable)
   (fp.lt  (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) 
   (fp.geq (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) 
   (fp.gt  (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable)

   ; IEEE 754-2008 equality (as opposed to SMT-LIB =)
   (fp.eq (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) 

   ; Classification of numbers
   (fp.isNormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
   (fp.isSubnormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
   (fp.isZero (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
   (fp.isInfinite (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
   (fp.isNaN (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
   (fp.isNegative (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
   (fp.isPositive (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

 "(fp.eq x y) evaluates to true if x evaluates to -zero and y to +zero, or vice versa.
  fp.eq and all the other comparison operators evaluate to false if one of their
  arguments is NaN.

; Conversions from other sorts

 :funs_description "All function symbols with declarations of the form below
   where m is a numerals greater than 0 and eb, sb, mb and nb are numerals
   greater than 1.

   ; from single bitstring representation in IEEE 754-2008 interchange format,
   ; with m = eb + sb
   ((_ to_fp eb sb) (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   ; from another floating point sort
   ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint mb nb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   ; from real
   ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode Real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   ; from signed machine integer, represented as a 2's complement bit vector
   ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

   ; from unsigned machine integer, represented as bit vector
   ((_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

; Conversions to other sorts

 :funs_description "All function symbols with declarations of the form below
   where m is a numeral greater than 0 and  eb and sb are numerals greater than 1.

   ; to unsigned machine integer, represented as a bit vector
   ((_ fp.to_ubv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m))

   ; to signed machine integer, represented as a 2's complement bit vector
   ((_ fp.to_sbv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m)) 

   ; to real
   (fp.to_real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Real)
 "All fp.to_* functions are unspecified for NaN and infinity input values.
  In addition, fp.to_ubv and fp.to_sbv are unspecified for finite number inputs
  that are out of range (which includes all negative numbers for fp.to_ubv).
  This means for instance that the formula

    (= (fp.to_real (_ NaN 8 24)) (fp.to_real (fp c1 c2 c3))) 

  is satisfiable in this theory for all binary constants c1, c2, and c3
  (of the proper sort). 

 "There is no function for converting from (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) to the
  corresponding IEEE 754-2008 binary format, as a bit vector (_ BitVec m) with 
  m = eb + sb, because (_ NaN eb sb) has multiple, well-defined representations.
  Instead, an encoding of the kind below is recommended, where f is a term
  of sort (_ FloatingPoint eb sb):

   (declare-fun b () (_ BitVec m))
   (assert (= ((_ to_fp eb sb) b) f))

; Values

 :values "For all m,n > 1, the values of sort (_ FloatingPoint m n) are 
  - (_ +oo m n)  
  - (_ -oo m n)
  - (_ NaN m n)
  - all terms of the form (fp c1 c2 c3) where
    - c1 is the binary #b0 or #b1
    - c2 is a binary of size m other than #b1...1 (all 1s)
    - c3 is a binary of size n-1

  The set of values for RoundingMode is {RNE, RNA, RTP, RTN, RTZ}.

 "No values are specified for the sorts Real and (_ BitVec n) in this theory.
  They are specified in the theory declarations Reals and FixedSizeBitVectors,

; Semantics

 "The semantics of this theory is described somewhat informally here.
  A rigorous, self-contained specification can be found in [BTRW14]:
   'An Automatable Formal Semantics for IEEE-754 Floating-Point Arithmetic'
  and it takes precedence in the case of any (unintended) inconsistencies.

 "For every expanded signature Sigma, the instance of FloatingPoints with 
  that signature is the theory consisting of all Sigma-models that satisfy
  the constraints detailed below.

  We use [[ _ ]] to denote the meaning of a sort or function symbol in 
  a given Sigma-model.

  o (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)

    [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]] is the set of all the binary floating point
    numbers with eb bits for the exponent and sb bits for the significand,
    as defined by IEEE 754-2008. 

    Technically, [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]] is the union of the set 
    {not_a_number} with four sets N, S, Z, I of bit-vector triples
    (corresponding to normal numbers, subnormal numbers, zeros and
    infinities) of the form (s, e, m) where s, e, and m correspond
    respectively to the sign, the exponent and the significand (see
    the paper for more details).
    Note that the (semantic) value not_a_number is shared across all
    [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]].

  o (_ BitVec m), binary and hexadecimal constants

    These are interpreted as in the theory FixedSizeBitVectors.

  o Real

    [[Real]] is the set of real numbers.

  o RoundingMode

    [[RoundingMode]] is the set of the 5 rounding modes defined by IEEE 754-2008.

  o (roundNearestTiesToEven RoundingMode), (roundNearestTiesToAway RoundingMode), ...

    [[roundNearestTiesToEven]], [[roundNearestTiesToAway]], [[roundTowardPositive]], 
    [[roundTowardNegative]], and [[roundTowardZero]] are the 5 distinct elements 
    of [[RoundingMode]], and each corresponds to the rounding mode suggested by
    the symbol's name.

  o (RNE RoundingMode), (RNA RoundingMode), ...

    [[RNE]] = [[roundNearestTiesToEven]];
    [[RNA]] = [[roundNearestTiesToAway]];
    [[RTP]] = [[roundTowardPositive]];
    [[RTN]] = [[roundTowardNegative]];
    [[RTZ]] = [[roundTowardZero]].
  o (fp (_ BitVec 1) (_ BitVec eb) (_ BitVec i) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

    [[fp]] returns the element of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]] whose IEEE 754-2008 
    binary encoding matches the input bit strings:
    for all bitvectors 
    b1 in [[(_ BitVec 1)]], b2 in [[(_ BitVec eb)]] and b3 in [[(_ BitVec i)]],
    [[fp]](b1, b2 ,b3) is the binary floating point number encoded in the IEEE 
    754-2008 standard with sign bit b1, exponent bits b2, and significant bit b3
    (with 1 hidden bit).

    Note that not_a_number can be denoted with fp terms as well. For instance, in
    (_ FloatingPoint 2 2),
    [[(_ NaN 2 2)]] = [[fp]]([[#b0]], [[#b11]], [[#b1]])
                    = [[fp]]([[#b1]], [[#b11]], [[#b1]])
    [[(_ +oo 2 2)]] = [[fp]]([[#b0]], [[#b11]], [[#b0]])
    [[(_ -oo 2 2)]] = [[fp]]([[#b1]], [[#b11]], [[#b0]])

  o ((_ +oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
    ((_ -oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
    ((_ NaN eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
    ((_ +zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
    ((_ -zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

    [[(_ +oo eb sb)]] is +infinity
    [[(_ -oo eb sb)]] is -infinity
    [[(_ NaN eb sb)]] is not_a_number
    [[(_ +zero eb sb)]] is [[fp]]([[#b0]], [[#b0..0]], [[#b0..0]]) where 
                           the first bitvector literal has eb 0s and
                           the second has sb - 1 0s  
    [[(_ -zero eb sb)]] is [[fp]]([[#b1]], [[#b0..0]], [[#b0..0]]) where
                           the first bitvector literal has eb 0s and
                           the second has sb - 1 0s  

  o ((_ to_fp eb sb) (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](b) = [[fp]](b[m-1:m-1], b[eb+sb-1:sb], b[sb-1:0]) 
    where b[p:q] denotes the subvector of bitvector b between positions p and q.

  o (fp.to_real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Real)

    [[fp.to_real]](x) is the real number represented by x if x is not in 
    {-infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}. Otherwise, it is unspecified.

  o ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint m n) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = x if x in {+infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}.
    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = +/-infinity if [[fp.to_real]](x) is too large/too
    small to be represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]];
    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number 
    such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to [[fp.to_real]](x) according to
    rounding mode r.

  o ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode Real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = +/-infinity if x is too large/too small 
    to be represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]];
    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number 
    such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to x according to rounding mode r.

  o ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

    Let b in [[(_ BitVec m)]] and let n be the signed integer represented by b 
    (in 2's complement format).
    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, b) = +/-infinity if n is too large/too small to be 
    represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]];
    [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number 
    such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to n according to rounding mode r.

  o ((_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))

    Let b in [[(_ BitVec m)]] and let n be the unsigned integer represented by b.
    [[(_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb)]](r, x) = +infinity if n is too large to be
    represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]];
    [[(_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number
    such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to n according to rounding mode r.

  o ((_ fp.to_ubv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m))

    [[(_ fp.to_ubv m)]](r, x) = b if the unsigned integer n represented by b is 
    the closest integer according to rounding mode r to the real number 
    represented by x, and n is in the range [0, 2^m - 1].
    [[(_ fp.to_ubv m)]](r, x) is unspecified in all other cases (including when
    x is in {-infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}).

  o ((_ fp.to_sbv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m))

    [[(_ fp.to_sbv m)]](r, x) = b if the signed integer n represented by b
    (in 2's complement format) is the closest integer according to rounding mode
    r to the real number represented by x, and n is in the range
    [-2^{m-1}, 2^{m-1} - 1].
    [[(_ fp.to_sbv m)]](r, x) is unspecified in all other cases (including when
    x is in {-infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}).

  o (fp.isNormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

    [[fp.isNormal]](x) = true iff x is a normal number.

  o (fp.isSubnormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

    [[fp.isSubnormal]](x) = true iff x is a subnormal number.

  o (fp.isZero (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)
    [[fp.isZero]](x) = true iff x is positive or negative zero.

  o (fp.isInfinite (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

    [[fp.isInfinite]](x) = true iff x is +infinity or -infinity.

  o (fp.isNaN (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

    [[fp.isNaN]](x) = true iff x = not_a_number.

  o (fp.isNegative (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

    [[fp.isNegative]](x) = true iff x is [[-zero]] or [[fp.lt]](x, [[-zero]]) holds.

  o (fp.isPositive (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool)

    [[fp.isPositive]](x) = true iff x is [[+zero]] or [[fp.lt]]([[+zero]], x) holds.

  o all the other function symbols are interpreted as described in [BTRW15].

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