(theory FloatingPoint :smt-lib-version 2.7 :smt-lib-release "2024-07-21" :written-by "Cesare Tinelli and Martin Brain" :date "2014-05-27" :last-updated "2024-07-21" :update-history "Note: history only accounts for content changes, not release changes. 2024-07-21 Updated to Version 2.7. 2015-04-25 Updated to Version 2.5. Updated reference to tech report. " :notes "This is a theory of floating point numbers largely based on the IEEE standard 754-2008 for floating-point arithmetic (http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/754/) but restricted to the binary case only. A major extension over 754-2008 is that the theory has a sort for every possible exponent and significand length. Version 1 of the theory was based on proposal by P. Ruemmer and T. Wahl [RW10]. [RW10] Philipp Ruemmer and Thomas Wahl. An SMT-LIB Theory of Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT'10), Edinburgh, UK, July 2010. (http://www.philipp.ruemmer.org/publications/smt-fpa.pdf) Version 2 was written by C. Tinelli using community feedback. Version 3, the current one, was written by C. Tinelli and M. Brain following further discussion within the SMT-LIB community, and then relaborated with P. Ruemmer and T. Wahl. A more detailed description of this version together with the rationale of several models decisions as well as a formal semantics of the theory can be found in [BTRW15] Martin Brain, Cesare Tinelli, Philipp Ruemmer, and Thomas Wahl. An Automatable Formal Semantics for IEEE-754 Floating-Point Arithmetic Technical Report, 2015. (http://smt-lib.org/papers/BTRW15.pdf) The following additional people provided substantial feedback and directions: François Bobot, David Cok, Alberto Griggio, Florian Lapschies, Leonardo de Moura, Gabriele Paganelli, Cody Roux, Christoph Wintersteiger. " ;------- ; Sorts ;------- :sorts ((RoundingMode 0) (Real 0)) ; Bit vector sorts, indexed by vector size :sorts_description "All sort symbols of the form (_ BitVec m) where m is a numeral greater than 0." ; Floating point sort, indexed by the length of the exponent and significand ; components of the number :sorts_description "All nullary sort symbols of the form (_ FloatingPoint eb sb), where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1." :notes "eb defines the number of bits in the exponent; sb defines the number of bits in the significand, *including* the hidden bit. " ; Short name for common floating point sorts :sort ((Float16 0) (Float32 0) (Float64 0) (Float128 0)) :notes " - Float16 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint 5 11) - Float32 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint 8 24) - Float64 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) - Float128 is a synonym for (_ FloatingPoint 15 113) These correspond to the IEEE binary16, binary32, binary64 and binary128 formats. " ;---------------- ; Rounding modes ;---------------- ; Constants for rounding modes, and their abbreviated version :funs ((roundNearestTiesToEven RoundingMode) (RNE RoundingMode) (roundNearestTiesToAway RoundingMode) (RNA RoundingMode) (roundTowardPositive RoundingMode) (RTP RoundingMode) (roundTowardNegative RoundingMode) (RTN RoundingMode) (roundTowardZero RoundingMode) (RTZ RoundingMode) ) ;-------------------- ; Value constructors ;-------------------- ; Bitvector literals :funs_description " All binaries #bX of sort (_ BitVec m) where m is the number of digits in X. All hexadecimals #xX of sort (_ BitVec m) where m is 4 times the number of digits in X. " ; FP literals as bit string triples, with the leading bit for the significand ; not represented (hidden bit) :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form (fp (_ BitVec 1) (_ BitVec eb) (_ BitVec i) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1 and i = sb - 1." ; Plus and minus infinity :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form ((_ +oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ((_ -oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1." :notes "Semantically, for each eb and sb, there is exactly one +infinity value and exactly one -infinity value in the set denoted by (_ FloatingPoint eb sb), in agreement with the IEEE 754-2008 standard. However, +/-infinity can have two representations in this theory. E.g., +infinity for sort (_ FloatingPoint 2 3) is represented equivalently by (_ +oo 2 3) and (fp #b0 #b11 #b00). " ; Plus and minus zero :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form ((_ +zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ((_ -zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1." :note "The +zero and -zero symbols are abbreviations for the corresponding fp literals. E.g., (_ +zero 2 4) abbreviates (fp #b0 #b00 #b000) (_ -zero 3 2) abbreviates (fp #b1 #b000 #b0) " ; Non-numbers :funs_description "All function symbols with declaration of the form ((_ NaN eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1." :notes "For each eb and sb, there is exactly one NaN in the set denoted by (_ FloatingPoint eb sb), in agreeement with Level 2 of IEEE 754-2008 (floating-point data). There is no distinction in this theory between a ``quiet'' and a ``signaling'' NaN. NaN has several representations, e.g.,(_ NaN eb sb) and any term of the form (fp t #b1..1 s) where s is a binary containing at least a 1 and t is either #b0 or #b1. " ;----------- ; Operators ;----------- :funs_description "All function symbols with declarations of the form below where eb and sb are numerals greater than 1. ; absolute value (fp.abs (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; negation (no rounding needed) (fp.neg (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; addition (fp.add RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; subtraction (fp.sub RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; multiplication (fp.mul RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; division (fp.div RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; fused multiplication and addition; (x * y) + z (fp.fma RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; square root (fp.sqrt RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; remainder: x - y * n, where n in Z is nearest to x/y (fp.rem (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; rounding to integral (fp.roundToIntegral RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; minimum and maximum (fp.min (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) (fp.max (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; comparison operators ; Note that all comparisons evaluate to false if either argument is NaN (fp.leq (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) (fp.lt (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) (fp.geq (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) (fp.gt (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) ; IEEE 754-2008 equality (as opposed to SMT-LIB =) (fp.eq (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool :chainable) ; Classification of numbers (fp.isNormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) (fp.isSubnormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) (fp.isZero (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) (fp.isInfinite (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) (fp.isNaN (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) (fp.isNegative (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) (fp.isPositive (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) " :note "(fp.eq x y) evaluates to true if x evaluates to -zero and y to +zero, or vice versa. fp.eq and all the other comparison operators evaluate to false if one of their arguments is NaN. " ;------------------------------ ; Conversions from other sorts ;------------------------------ :funs_description "All function symbols with declarations of the form below where m is a numerals greater than 0 and eb, sb, mb and nb are numerals greater than 1. ; from single bitstring representation in IEEE 754-2008 interchange format, ; with m = eb + sb ((_ to_fp eb sb) (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; from another floating point sort ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint mb nb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; from real ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode Real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; from signed machine integer, represented as a 2's complement bit vector ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ; from unsigned machine integer, represented as bit vector ((_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) " ;---------------------------- ; Conversions to other sorts ;---------------------------- :funs_description "All function symbols with declarations of the form below where m is a numeral greater than 0 and eb and sb are numerals greater than 1. ; to unsigned machine integer, represented as a bit vector ((_ fp.to_ubv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m)) ; to signed machine integer, represented as a 2's complement bit vector ((_ fp.to_sbv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m)) ; to real (fp.to_real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Real) " :notes "All fp.to_* functions are unspecified for NaN and infinity input values. In addition, fp.to_ubv and fp.to_sbv are unspecified for finite number inputs that are out of range (which includes all negative numbers for fp.to_ubv). This means for instance that the formula (= (fp.to_real (_ NaN 8 24)) (fp.to_real (fp c1 c2 c3))) is satisfiable in this theory for all binary constants c1, c2, and c3 (of the proper sort). " :note "There is no function for converting from (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) to the corresponding IEEE 754-2008 binary format, as a bit vector (_ BitVec m) with m = eb + sb, because (_ NaN eb sb) has multiple, well-defined representations. Instead, an encoding of the kind below is recommended, where f is a term of sort (_ FloatingPoint eb sb): (declare-fun b () (_ BitVec m)) (assert (= ((_ to_fp eb sb) b) f)) " ;-------- ; Values ;-------- :values "For all m,n > 1, the values of sort (_ FloatingPoint m n) are - (_ +oo m n) - (_ -oo m n) - (_ NaN m n) - all terms of the form (fp c1 c2 c3) where - c1 is the binary #b0 or #b1 - c2 is a binary of size m other than #b1...1 (all 1s) - c3 is a binary of size n-1 The set of values for RoundingMode is {RNE, RNA, RTP, RTN, RTZ}. " :notes "No values are specified for the sorts Real and (_ BitVec n) in this theory. They are specified in the theory declarations Reals and FixedSizeBitVectors, respectively. " ;----------- ; Semantics ;----------- :note "The semantics of this theory is described somewhat informally here. A rigorous, self-contained specification can be found in [BTRW14]: 'An Automatable Formal Semantics for IEEE-754 Floating-Point Arithmetic' and it takes precedence in the case of any (unintended) inconsistencies. " :definition "For every expanded signature Sigma, the instance of FloatingPoints with that signature is the theory consisting of all Sigma-models that satisfy the constraints detailed below. We use [[ _ ]] to denote the meaning of a sort or function symbol in a given Sigma-model. o (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]] is the set of all the binary floating point numbers with eb bits for the exponent and sb bits for the significand, as defined by IEEE 754-2008. Technically, [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]] is the union of the set {not_a_number} with four sets N, S, Z, I of bit-vector triples (corresponding to normal numbers, subnormal numbers, zeros and infinities) of the form (s, e, m) where s, e, and m correspond respectively to the sign, the exponent and the significand (see the paper for more details). Note that the (semantic) value not_a_number is shared across all [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]]. o (_ BitVec m), binary and hexadecimal constants These are interpreted as in the theory FixedSizeBitVectors. o Real [[Real]] is the set of real numbers. o RoundingMode [[RoundingMode]] is the set of the 5 rounding modes defined by IEEE 754-2008. o (roundNearestTiesToEven RoundingMode), (roundNearestTiesToAway RoundingMode), ... [[roundNearestTiesToEven]], [[roundNearestTiesToAway]], [[roundTowardPositive]], [[roundTowardNegative]], and [[roundTowardZero]] are the 5 distinct elements of [[RoundingMode]], and each corresponds to the rounding mode suggested by the symbol's name. o (RNE RoundingMode), (RNA RoundingMode), ... [[RNE]] = [[roundNearestTiesToEven]]; [[RNA]] = [[roundNearestTiesToAway]]; [[RTP]] = [[roundTowardPositive]]; [[RTN]] = [[roundTowardNegative]]; [[RTZ]] = [[roundTowardZero]]. o (fp (_ BitVec 1) (_ BitVec eb) (_ BitVec i) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) [[fp]] returns the element of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]] whose IEEE 754-2008 binary encoding matches the input bit strings: for all bitvectors b1 in [[(_ BitVec 1)]], b2 in [[(_ BitVec eb)]] and b3 in [[(_ BitVec i)]], [[fp]](b1, b2 ,b3) is the binary floating point number encoded in the IEEE 754-2008 standard with sign bit b1, exponent bits b2, and significant bit b3 (with 1 hidden bit). Note that not_a_number can be denoted with fp terms as well. For instance, in (_ FloatingPoint 2 2), [[(_ NaN 2 2)]] = [[fp]]([[#b0]], [[#b11]], [[#b1]]) = [[fp]]([[#b1]], [[#b11]], [[#b1]]) Similarly, [[(_ +oo 2 2)]] = [[fp]]([[#b0]], [[#b11]], [[#b0]]) [[(_ -oo 2 2)]] = [[fp]]([[#b1]], [[#b11]], [[#b0]]) o ((_ +oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ((_ -oo eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ((_ NaN eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ((_ +zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) ((_ -zero eb sb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) [[(_ +oo eb sb)]] is +infinity [[(_ -oo eb sb)]] is -infinity [[(_ NaN eb sb)]] is not_a_number [[(_ +zero eb sb)]] is [[fp]]([[#b0]], [[#b0..0]], [[#b0..0]]) where the first bitvector literal has eb 0s and the second has sb - 1 0s [[(_ -zero eb sb)]] is [[fp]]([[#b1]], [[#b0..0]], [[#b0..0]]) where the first bitvector literal has eb 0s and the second has sb - 1 0s o ((_ to_fp eb sb) (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](b) = [[fp]](b[m-1:m-1], b[eb+sb-1:sb], b[sb-1:0]) where b[p:q] denotes the subvector of bitvector b between positions p and q. o (fp.to_real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Real) [[fp.to_real]](x) is the real number represented by x if x is not in {-infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}. Otherwise, it is unspecified. o ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint m n) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = x if x in {+infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}. [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = +/-infinity if [[fp.to_real]](x) is too large/too small to be represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]]; [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to [[fp.to_real]](x) according to rounding mode r. o ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode Real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = +/-infinity if x is too large/too small to be represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]]; [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to x according to rounding mode r. o ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) Let b in [[(_ BitVec m)]] and let n be the signed integer represented by b (in 2's complement format). [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, b) = +/-infinity if n is too large/too small to be represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]]; [[(_ to_fp eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to n according to rounding mode r. o ((_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb)) Let b in [[(_ BitVec m)]] and let n be the unsigned integer represented by b. [[(_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb)]](r, x) = +infinity if n is too large to be represented as a finite number of [[(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)]]; [[(_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb)]](r, x) = y otherwise, where y is the finite number such that [[fp.to_real]](y) is closest to n according to rounding mode r. o ((_ fp.to_ubv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m)) [[(_ fp.to_ubv m)]](r, x) = b if the unsigned integer n represented by b is the closest integer according to rounding mode r to the real number represented by x, and n is in the range [0, 2^m - 1]. [[(_ fp.to_ubv m)]](r, x) is unspecified in all other cases (including when x is in {-infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}). o ((_ fp.to_sbv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m)) [[(_ fp.to_sbv m)]](r, x) = b if the signed integer n represented by b (in 2's complement format) is the closest integer according to rounding mode r to the real number represented by x, and n is in the range [-2^{m-1}, 2^{m-1} - 1]. [[(_ fp.to_sbv m)]](r, x) is unspecified in all other cases (including when x is in {-infinity, -infinity, not_a_number}). o (fp.isNormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isNormal]](x) = true iff x is a normal number. o (fp.isSubnormal (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isSubnormal]](x) = true iff x is a subnormal number. o (fp.isZero (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isZero]](x) = true iff x is positive or negative zero. o (fp.isInfinite (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isInfinite]](x) = true iff x is +infinity or -infinity. o (fp.isNaN (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isNaN]](x) = true iff x = not_a_number. o (fp.isNegative (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isNegative]](x) = true iff x is [[-zero]] or [[fp.lt]](x, [[-zero]]) holds. o (fp.isPositive (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Bool) [[fp.isPositive]](x) = true iff x is [[+zero]] or [[fp.lt]]([[+zero]], x) holds. o all the other function symbols are interpreted as described in [BTRW15]. " )(raw file)